10 Packing Tips You Need to Know for Your Next Vacation
I love going away on vacation. Going abroad and exploring a new country, city, and culture is simply the best way to expand your mind and understand the world a bit better.
Travel is something I’ve always prioritized in my life, and each year I aim to see and discover somewhere new.
Since getting home from France, my mind has been stuck on travel – and wanting to do it more often. It was so incredible to really immerse ourselves into the culture, attempt to speak French and get a really authentic feel for the country.
So often we take mini trips and only get a taste of what the country is really like, but three weeks in France made me realize that I want to do larger longer trips more often.

Before leaving though, I was fully focused on packing. I wanted to pack smart, pack light, and only pack what I needed. While packing away all my necessities I realized there was an art to packing, and there were tricks to help achieve an organized suitcase.
I am all about practicality, so findingย double-duty tricks for packing is totally up my alley. Today I am sharing 10 seriously awesome packing tips to use for your next vacation so scroll through to read them all (and don’t forget to bookmark this post!)
10 Packing Tips for Your Next Vacation
Put Socks in Your Shoes
Rather than letting your socks run wild in your luggage, pack them neatly away inside your shoes. This will help keep the shape of your footwear while also best-utilising space.
Pack Swimsuits in Ziploc Bags
If you’re heading away on a tropical vacation and plan on living in your swimsuits then you’re also going to want to plan ahead and pack a few Ziplocs!
When swimsuits are wet their colours can bleed, and once a swimsuit has stained another swimsuit those stains can be nearly impossible to get rid of.
Ziploc bags are a great solution as you can neatly pack all your swimsuits separately and avoid having the colours bleed onto one another.
Roll it up
One way to avoid wrinkly clothing is by rolling your packed clothing rather than folding them. This also helps best use space.
Bring Lace Pieces
Did you know that the most wrinkle-resistant fabric (aside from actual wrinkle-resistant clothing) is lace? Lace clothing resists wrinkling and is always beautiful – it’s a win-win!
Buy Mini Bottles at the Drugstore
Rather than settling for travel-size products that you don’t actually like, invest in travel-size product bottles and fill them with your favourite products. This way you don’t have to go without your go-to conditioner, shampoo, or serum.

Double-Duty Products
When you’re packing your makeup look at the versatility of each product. A bronzer can double up as an eyeshadow, cream blush can be used as lipstick, and a brown eyeshadow can be used to fill in your brows.
Add in Laundry Fresheners
When you’re away, often your clothes stay sitting in your luggage. This can make freshly washed clothing smell stale. To keep your clothes smelling lovely, add a few bounce sheets, or put scented beads in jewellery bags, into your luggage.
Dirty Laundry Bag
If you’re unable to wash your clothes as you travel, rather than mixing your clean clothes with your laundry, pack a bag to put your dirty items into.
Embrace Heatless Hair Styling Techniques
Avoid packing along with all your favourite beauty tools when you’re heading away. These tools are damaging to your hair and if you’re on vacation then why doesn’t your hair deserve a little break, too?
Instead, use heatless hairstyling techniques to achieveย styled hair.ย Plus, these tools take up a TON of room in your luggage.
Pack items in your Hats
Just like with your shoes, you want to fill the hats you bring on your trip with items and clothing in order to help keep their shape while you travel.
With luggage moving and shifting around, your hats can get damaged, and filling them will help avoid them losing their shape entirely.
Great tip Bree!
I love these tips! Now I just need a holiday to go on haha ๐
Hope you had a lovely time in France!
Jess xo
These are good tips Bree… like you I have a strong desire to travel often and for long periods… I think we should all see the beauty of the world as much as we can xox
Awesome tips, different from some of the tips i have come across. love the lace idea. thanks.
Oh I am so happy to hear that! Yes, lace is a great one – it’s a particularly good tip for brides who want to have their weddings abroad!