Alright, I know what you’re thinking: Girl, that headline is BOLD. Like, slow your roll with your bold-ass statements. And. to that I say: No. It’s simply the truth. #TheWholeTruthandNothingButTheTruth
The boots I am sharing with you today are the most comfortable and most practical pair of boots I’ve ever owned – and the fact is, I’ve been living in them for the last few weeks.

I discovered Cougar Shoes a few years ago, and since then they’ve been my go-to boots during the fall and winter. They are comfortable, stylish, waterproof, and even snow-proof – and I mean, that’s just amazing for us Canadian gals.
Vancouver may not get a ton of snow (and when we do, I’m totally shocked and unprepared by it) but we get an absolute ton of rain (like crazy, torrential, can barely see, kind of rainfall) and there’s nothing better to wear on those rainy days then these waterproof boots. I also have a pair from last year that are black and I find having these two neutral-toned boots to really be all I need during these icky few months.

During our recent visit to Maan Farms, I decided to wear my practical (and let’s get honest: super cute) boots just in case the patch was muddy. The day was actually beautiful, and it wasn’t muddy at the patch at all, but these were still perfect for walking over dusty/dirty ground.
They were super comfortable to wear from mid-afternoon to late in the night as we stuck around all day so that we could first grab some pumpkins, then do a wine tasting, and then later go through the haunted corn maze (which was totally terrifying, FYI)

Anyway, let’s just say this: if there were one item I recommended you get this fall and winter it would be these boots. They are seriously one of the best pieces I own and I wear them time and time again until they are pretty much destroyed because they just balance everything you want from a pair of boots: practicality, comfort, and style. Also, no one likes getting their feet wet!
This was a good post! I love the way you style. I also like your boots. Thanks for this lovely post!